Should let you all know that independent charade (see previous previous post) went on for about a month before I decided to transfer the reins over.
Vacation: Leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure. Essentially meaning: to vacate your life of all that has been going on. A perfect word to describe whats been happening with me.
Lived at my parents for the better part of last year. And it was one the best 'vacations' that I've had in a long time. This was the first time when I actually knew I could be home indefinitely (hadn't decided on my applications for masters yet). It didn't scare me. Somehow it made me feel strangely at peace with my surroundings. Liberating. I wasn't in a hurry to shop-till-I-drop, I wasn't gorging on food I wouldn't get elsewhere, I wasn't trying to watch all the TV I could in a week.
Now I am back to the real world. Where I have a purpose, mission. Where I have distinct demarcations between weekdays and weekends. Where I don't have time to eat what I want, watch what I want and go where I want. But I am not complaining. Anybody who knows me knows that I am what they call a 'chronic student'. I just love to study. Its pleasurable to me. Yes. I am in university. In a library. In the basement. Liberating again.
Got a close on 6 months of no blogging. In all probability, its going to another 6 months before I resurface. Which doesn't really matter. Who reads this anyway? :)
(Feels good being given one tiny iota of space on this WWW, knowing I could write anything down. Humbling I say.)