Disclaimer: If at work, open at your own risk. Loud chuckling from your desk may not sit well with your employers.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Hello Williams. For a few months this gem was taken down by Youtube. But it's back!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 22 — A website
When I need some distraction (from watching Youtube videos all day), I head over to FAIL Blog.
Does it for me every single time.
Does it for me every single time.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Random Act of Kindness
This is what I am going to do when I watch a movie. All of us have gone through the process of watching a movie and realizing mid-way that having a million needles thrown at you all day would be less painful than sitting through the said movie. When you pay homage to Einstein - understand his theory of relativity and figure that he would have come up with his eureka moment at precisely such a point in time.
We've also had the exact opposite sensation - let time stay still so that I can soak up more of this wonderfulness on screen.
What I will try to do is simply an act of paying it forward. When someone recommends a movie to me, I place in his or her hands in a way, my life. I let them guide me for 2 hours into their idea of fun. Sometimes I feel liberated, and I realize that I can connect to the recommender on a different level - like the two hours of movie dialogue is all that is unspoken between us. Then there are those other times, after a movie, I just want to bang my head against a wall so that I can have it in my heart to forgive and forget and move on without judgment. I am a very judgmental person. Opinions, whether my own or others, matter a lot to me. So I pray to god to let me forget about those 2 hours of my life I will never get back. Which seems hypocritical of me, when I waste the remaining 22 hours doing absolutely nothing. Buts that's me. Digressing - another flaw.
So my unselfish act of paying it forward is this - I will write about every movie I watch. And give you my recommendation. So that I in turn can be alternatively revered and cursed. I'm not selfish.
Here goes. Movies seen this past week.
We've also had the exact opposite sensation - let time stay still so that I can soak up more of this wonderfulness on screen.
What I will try to do is simply an act of paying it forward. When someone recommends a movie to me, I place in his or her hands in a way, my life. I let them guide me for 2 hours into their idea of fun. Sometimes I feel liberated, and I realize that I can connect to the recommender on a different level - like the two hours of movie dialogue is all that is unspoken between us. Then there are those other times, after a movie, I just want to bang my head against a wall so that I can have it in my heart to forgive and forget and move on without judgment. I am a very judgmental person. Opinions, whether my own or others, matter a lot to me. So I pray to god to let me forget about those 2 hours of my life I will never get back. Which seems hypocritical of me, when I waste the remaining 22 hours doing absolutely nothing. Buts that's me. Digressing - another flaw.
So my unselfish act of paying it forward is this - I will write about every movie I watch. And give you my recommendation. So that I in turn can be alternatively revered and cursed. I'm not selfish.
Here goes. Movies seen this past week.
- The Informant! - Watch it. Funny. Matt Damon looks like a bumbling idiot. It'll be a vanity project for your soul.
- Clash of the Titans - Never mind. At your own risk. Sam Worthington has 26 lines. Total. Seriously.
- Greenberg - Meh. I am too young to get it. Maybe in ten years.
- Chloe - Confusing. Interesting. Julianne Moore is gorgeous. Perfect. Maybe on DVD?
- The Invention of Lying - Watched the first 45 minutes. Do you even want to know why?
- Superbad - Ditto. Maybe if I were in highschool?
- The Painted Veil (repeat) - Edward Norton. Sepia. Mountains. In that order. Go for it.
- Date Night - Does not live up to the comedic prowess of the leads.
Day 21 — A recipe
My diet is in dire need of some color. The only condiment/ spice I put in everything is Cumin seeds. My recipe for any dish would read as - pour oil, add jeera, sautee whatever, add salt. And I like it that way.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Be the know-all go-to person for anything related to Roman, Greek, Gothic, and Romanesque architectural history. And also, tennis.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
This is getting annoying. I dislike abstractions and open-ended problems. Black and white. Right and wrong. No gray.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Charing Cross Bridge by Monet. Gorgeous. My Lucid Dream would consist of me being in this painting for eternity.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
No doubt about the impact this book had on me. A book can make you cry and empathize as strongly and provocatively as a movie. This book is hard-cover proof of that.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 13 — A fictional book
Again? Lets go with something I read recently. The Stranger by Albert Camus. Translated from french. Short. Extremely straight-forward, its refreshing. Or maybe it's because of the translation. Nevertheless, I saw myself in it. And that's not a good thing. Read it to know why.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Talking to myself. I just hope that some day I do not become so obsessed with carrying on a conversation with myself that I realize I do not need others around me. It's scary I tell ya. Upside is, no one interrupts you!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Not quite 10 years yet, because if I did put up those photos the universe would collapse and the world as we know it would cease to exist. 2nd from left.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
You know what annoys me?
Ironically/ Irony/ Ironic being used incorrectly. Irony is simple. The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. It's not sarcasm. It's not coincidence.
That's it. It's a Thursday. Needed to get this out.
That's it. It's a Thursday. Needed to get this out.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
These days, I am all about sustainability. Seriously. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do, where I want to be and all such existential questions. What I do know is that I want to be involved in change.
I would like to thank the Academy..
I would like to thank the Academy..
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
"Things happen to you for a reason. A good reason."
I actually just made it up. It's how I live my life.
I actually just made it up. It's how I live my life.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day 04 — Your favorite book
I have a bad memory. Real bad. Right now, I can only remember the book I am reading and the one I finished. Which is a shame, because I have so many books that I have loved. The issue here is books can't be re-read as often as movies can be re-watched. Regardless, I am going to pick one that had an impact on me (and countless other readers too) - Portrait Of A Lady. Nah. Scrap that. I'll go with Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
Ha. And here you thought I was being all intellectual and fancy.
Ha. And here you thought I was being all intellectual and fancy.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
I wrote a whole other post for this with Gilmore Girls and Seinfeld as my favorite show. But who am I kidding? It has to be Friends. My repeat viewings prove it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Whoa. This keeps getting tougher and tougher. To pick one favorite movie is almost impossible. How do you decide on a favorite movie? Is it something that you can watch over and over again or is it something that impacts you in a way that you had not thought possible. The latter kind are generally intense dramas or movies dealing with issues you might not necessarily want to watch multiple times.
I am going to go with the simpler definition and choose Andaz Apna Apna. Its beyond entertaining, its memorable, its sprinkled so many of my conversations with humor I have lost count. Its made me judgmental in a mean way. I CANNOT have someone who dislikes this movie as my friend. No way.
I am going to go with the simpler definition and choose Andaz Apna Apna. Its beyond entertaining, its memorable, its sprinkled so many of my conversations with humor I have lost count. Its made me judgmental in a mean way. I CANNOT have someone who dislikes this movie as my friend. No way.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 01 — Your favorite song
This is difficult. I don't listen to much music - and I enjoy instrumental more. Does an instrumental piece qualify as a song?
Anyway, qualifying or not, I'll say right now my favorite tune is the soundtrack of 25th Hour by Terence Blanchard. Not heard a lot of jazz, but if this is what it is - damn!
Open Title - Terence Blanchard
Anyway, qualifying or not, I'll say right now my favorite tune is the soundtrack of 25th Hour by Terence Blanchard. Not heard a lot of jazz, but if this is what it is - damn!
Open Title - Terence Blanchard
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Edward Norton
Image Credit: The Insider
This blog is slowly converting to a movie review blog. Which I have absolutely no problem with. And neither should you.
Up until last week, I had watched 2 movies of Edward Norton. Fight Club and more recently The Illusionist. I remember watching American History X when it came out, but then I was a stupid college student who probably slept through most of it (I blame my then crazy schedule for this and it should by no means be indicative of my love for cinema). Anyway, this entry warrants a little background about my movie watching habits and seasonal obsessions.
As Monty Brogan in The 25th Hour
When I like a movie I watch, I go to it's Wikipedia and/or IMBD page and read up on the actors/directors/writers etc. I then go about watching every movie of the said director or actor. This method has served me well in finding hidden gems. For example, I watched Matilda, directed by Danny De Vito a while back, which made me watch Death To Smoochy (same director), which made me watch all movies of Ed Norton. Once I am done with him - I still have the Obama campaign documentary remaining, I'll move on to Throw Momma from the Train and the rest.
As Smoochy the Rhino
Image Credit: NYTimes
Now, most people agree on Ed Norton being a good actor. Sure, people sometimes relegate him to being predictable and repetitive (multiple-personality roles), but why change something that works as good as this (think Tom Cruise). Looking beyond these roles, he has done some amazing "normal" characters with aplomb too - Father Brian in Keeping the Faith and Smoochy the Rhino in Death to Smoochy.
Whatever people may label him as - controlling and difficult (he works on the scripts of all his movies), intelligent and articulate (Yale grad after all), I can confidently (by virtue of watching every single YouTube video of him in 2 days) say that he is a honestly genuine and level-headed person who knows exactly what he wants, in movies and otherwise.
Also, he is super involved with conservation, sustainability and the environment - all of which I am/try to be involved in. Maybe some day when he is testifying at the Congress again, I'll get a glimpse of him!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
One day...
When I buy a tiny piece of real estate with my name on it, I'll build a stone house and have the following in some form:
- Red Chandelier
- Fawn (the color! Geez..)
- A library
- Kitchen island
- Something unfinished
- White painted wood
- Dark stained wood
- Bay window
- Walk-in closet
- Patio/ backyard/ balcony/ terrace
- Big grandfather sofa chair, preferably rocking
- Yellow wall
- Milk glass
- Something refurbished/ salvaged
- Something handmade
- Everything perpendicular
- Double light-blocking curtains
- Canvas and/or corduroy
- Silk
- Textured wallpaper
- Tulips and/or sunflowers
- Sunlight
- No plastic
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I am gonna do this - maybe starting April 1?
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
This is very important
If made to sit and write something daily (which is what I have been trying to do, in case you have not noticed), I write about the shallow stuff - movies, books, TV shows. I am a bit of a recluse. I would much rather prefer staying at home than venture out (especially when the weather makes it possible for even perpetually cheery people to become hermits).
I could very well talk about the healthcare debate, Aishwarya Rai's pregnancy issues or Duke's Youtube admission videos, but lets leave that for another time.
I know.
I could very well talk about the healthcare debate, Aishwarya Rai's pregnancy issues or Duke's Youtube admission videos, but lets leave that for another time.
I know.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
For tomorrow we live
Why do I procrastrinate? Isn't that a question about 95% of the population asks itself everyday? Why do something today that can be put off for tomorrow?
It is the hedonistic nature cultivated by us that makes us behave this way. Enjoy today; work tomorrow. My blog is testament to this theory. Started in 2007 - 9 posts, 2008 - 2 posts (!), 2009 - 11 posts, 2010 - 13 and counting. I put off writing on this blog conveniently for more than 3 years.
I indeed have turned over a new leaf. Like Lady GaGa would say - Just Write! (Okay, this does not come across the way I am playing it in my head!) But you get my point.
We cannot wait for things to happen. Do something. No, I do not mean kill Dick Cheney. By now you should get my point. Do not buy a domain name and make a one-page website "waiting" for a politician to pass away, even if just for injecting a bit of humor in our dull lives.
Wake up. Work. Play. Dance. Write. Read. TODAY.
It is the hedonistic nature cultivated by us that makes us behave this way. Enjoy today; work tomorrow. My blog is testament to this theory. Started in 2007 - 9 posts, 2008 - 2 posts (!), 2009 - 11 posts, 2010 - 13 and counting. I put off writing on this blog conveniently for more than 3 years.
I indeed have turned over a new leaf. Like Lady GaGa would say - Just Write! (Okay, this does not come across the way I am playing it in my head!) But you get my point.
We cannot wait for things to happen. Do something. No, I do not mean kill Dick Cheney. By now you should get my point. Do not buy a domain name and make a one-page website "waiting" for a politician to pass away, even if just for injecting a bit of humor in our dull lives.
Wake up. Work. Play. Dance. Write. Read. TODAY.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What has changed?
You know, everyone changes. Everyone grows up. Everyone matures. It is inevitable. High school is good for some people. Bad for a lot more. I am proud to say that I had an amazing childhood. I would not change a thing. I remember being a brash, arrogant, and selfish kid with a devil may care attitude. I acted as a child was expected to act - I was very outspoken without a hint of coyness. I had no qualms about going up on stage and making a fool of myself (back then I had a very high opinion of myself, so consequently I thought that making a fool of myself was an impossibility).
Then I went to university. I held onto my attitude and lived just the way I grew up. It worked perfectly. I did modify my attitude a little though and became a more likeable person as a result. I was still a very confident, young kid.
Then I moved to the US. A part of me died. That confident, outspoken part. I still can hold my own in any conversation, but I just choose not to. When previously I would initiate discussions, arguments, talks, now I just sit and like to observe. Previously, I would speak my mind; now I carefully calculate my words and only if need be, speak up. Previously, my hand shot up in class like Hermione's; now I think unless my question/answer could save a life (or less dramatically, be relevant to the discussion and not considered a waste of precious time by my peers and professors) I don't need to bother. Maybe this is what is called growing up. If so, then I really don't want to.
Then I went to university. I held onto my attitude and lived just the way I grew up. It worked perfectly. I did modify my attitude a little though and became a more likeable person as a result. I was still a very confident, young kid.
Then I moved to the US. A part of me died. That confident, outspoken part. I still can hold my own in any conversation, but I just choose not to. When previously I would initiate discussions, arguments, talks, now I just sit and like to observe. Previously, I would speak my mind; now I carefully calculate my words and only if need be, speak up. Previously, my hand shot up in class like Hermione's; now I think unless my question/answer could save a life (or less dramatically, be relevant to the discussion and not considered a waste of precious time by my peers and professors) I don't need to bother. Maybe this is what is called growing up. If so, then I really don't want to.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Confederacy of Dunces
On the suggestion of Aamir Khan, I picked up this book. Because you have to heed to Aamir Khan's suggestion. There is no other way.
If I liked him before, I love him now. This book is a classic I did not know about. For me, I turned out to be a hidden gem, a gem that was carefully picked up, dusted, and polished to perfection by yours truly. It is times like this one where I feel like I have not lived life. I mean, I am closer to hitting the quarter-century mark, and in all these years how did I miss this book? This is the kind of book that makes me want to run (yes, run) right this minute to a library (or bookstore) and start reading. No wasting time blogging. Seriously.
I love reading. For the longest time, I resisted buying a SmartPhone. For good reason. The book I would read during my commute got replaced by browsing NYT (which technically qualifies as reading). If I was not in a mood to read (translate: brains not functioning after a tiring day at work), I would listen to the 15 songs I had on my iTunes (which is a big deal for me!). I was reading the aforementioned books for a total of 3 months. That's just plain shameful. I feel guilty even admitting it.
This brings me to the title of the post. The book. It is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time. Actually, I cant remember reading a funny book. Writing adventure, mystery, drama, fact, romance is a lot easier than trying to make someone laugh. It's my opinion any who. Like they say, half of the fun in a joke is the way it is said. Which makes the job of a writer a lot more difficult.
All I will say to anyone who reads is this: Please rush over to a library/bookstore/friend and get this book. You will not be able to put it down.
If I liked him before, I love him now. This book is a classic I did not know about. For me, I turned out to be a hidden gem, a gem that was carefully picked up, dusted, and polished to perfection by yours truly. It is times like this one where I feel like I have not lived life. I mean, I am closer to hitting the quarter-century mark, and in all these years how did I miss this book? This is the kind of book that makes me want to run (yes, run) right this minute to a library (or bookstore) and start reading. No wasting time blogging. Seriously.
I love reading. For the longest time, I resisted buying a SmartPhone. For good reason. The book I would read during my commute got replaced by browsing NYT (which technically qualifies as reading). If I was not in a mood to read (translate: brains not functioning after a tiring day at work), I would listen to the 15 songs I had on my iTunes (which is a big deal for me!). I was reading the aforementioned books for a total of 3 months. That's just plain shameful. I feel guilty even admitting it.
This brings me to the title of the post. The book. It is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time. Actually, I cant remember reading a funny book. Writing adventure, mystery, drama, fact, romance is a lot easier than trying to make someone laugh. It's my opinion any who. Like they say, half of the fun in a joke is the way it is said. Which makes the job of a writer a lot more difficult.
All I will say to anyone who reads is this: Please rush over to a library/bookstore/friend and get this book. You will not be able to put it down.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
Most times, the reasons for the cancellation of a show are painfully obvious. Case in point: A Beautiful Life. 1 episode. Yes. You read correct. Not one season, but one episode.
I am talking about Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip. Try watching the pilot on Hulu and tell me you don't like the show. This show comes close to being the definition of a perfect TV show: it has drama, romance, and a lot of good-looking people (Amanda Peet??). And Matthew Perry. What more could you ask for? It's like The West Wing, but without the dull clothes and dampness of DC. I do not say this lightly. I consider myself as a connnossier of fine TV. I may not have a good music ear, or recommend the right restaurants, but I do know about TV. So when I say that this show is brilliantly scripted and produced, I mean it. The entire first season (or we could call it series). We all know of a lot of shows that show promise but take a dive downward in subsequent episodes (and seasons). Studio 60 held up its side of the bargain till the last aired episode. The networks obviously did not. The show was canceled after just one season due to poor ratings.
Now, I totally get that the networks need to turn over a profit for every show that they put on air, but sometimes, you just need to trust your instincts (I am assuming it was someone's instinct that greenlit the show in the first place) and stick with them a while longer even though external indicators are telling you not to.
Image credit: Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip cast photographs by Gavin Bond
But then, every once in a while, there comes along a great show, stays on for a season or two, and then gets inexplicably booted off. It seems almost cruel to the people involved with the show, especially the audience. When we like a show, we get invested in it. We form a kinship with the characters and the storyline. All this gets even more bizarre when shows that ought to be destroyed get played on (Cougar Town??).I am talking about Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip. Try watching the pilot on Hulu and tell me you don't like the show. This show comes close to being the definition of a perfect TV show: it has drama, romance, and a lot of good-looking people (Amanda Peet??). And Matthew Perry. What more could you ask for? It's like The West Wing, but without the dull clothes and dampness of DC. I do not say this lightly. I consider myself as a connnossier of fine TV. I may not have a good music ear, or recommend the right restaurants, but I do know about TV. So when I say that this show is brilliantly scripted and produced, I mean it. The entire first season (or we could call it series). We all know of a lot of shows that show promise but take a dive downward in subsequent episodes (and seasons). Studio 60 held up its side of the bargain till the last aired episode. The networks obviously did not. The show was canceled after just one season due to poor ratings.
Now, I totally get that the networks need to turn over a profit for every show that they put on air, but sometimes, you just need to trust your instincts (I am assuming it was someone's instinct that greenlit the show in the first place) and stick with them a while longer even though external indicators are telling you not to.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Boredom continues
When I start blogging everyday, it is a sure indication that I am bored with life. Seriously. I love writing, but I wish I did it more often and not go to it as a last resort. My go-to list in order when I want to be entertained is:
- Watch interviews/ tennis match highlights/ movie scenes on YouTube
- Watch Hulu (this only works on days when there is new programming)
- Day dream
- Visit IMDB forums
- Dive head first in Wikipedia
- Scroll through Tumblr
- Visit fashion-y websites for pretty photos
- Read a Book
- Write on blog
- Talk on phone
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Writing is therapeutic. I write when I am lonely. I write when I cannot communicate through spoken words. When talking is just not enough.
My family has been extremely good at written communication. We email each other back and forth, and there is some solace in knowing that I can go back and read an email from my mom in the middle of the night when I miss her.
I go to my inbox and read emails I wrote when I started university. I see how much I have changed and matured as a person. How my writing style has improved. How the topics that I choose to write about and share have changed. What has remained constant is the steady, strong and regular response I got and still get from my parents. It has always been the same - encouragement, motivation, advise and unconditional love.
My family has been extremely good at written communication. We email each other back and forth, and there is some solace in knowing that I can go back and read an email from my mom in the middle of the night when I miss her.
I go to my inbox and read emails I wrote when I started university. I see how much I have changed and matured as a person. How my writing style has improved. How the topics that I choose to write about and share have changed. What has remained constant is the steady, strong and regular response I got and still get from my parents. It has always been the same - encouragement, motivation, advise and unconditional love.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I was a cat in another life
"Nostalgia. It's delicate, but potent… In Greek, nostalgia literally means the pain from an old wound. It's a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone."
— Don Draper, Mad Men, 1.13 (The Wheel)
Its amazing how memories can be relived with fond remembrance. This particular journey down memory lane was orchestrated by one of my best friends, and maintainer of my sanity, if ever there was any.
I vividly remember one particular evening, after finishing the day's homework and having a glass of milk, I ventured outside to hang with S. It was a hot May evening, and we were not in a mood to play (and run and sweat). We retired to one of 'our' spots - above a plastic water tank. Now, try to imagine this - two girls, about 13 years old, wearing shorts, sitting on a water tank, with their feet dangling down without a care about the world moving on below them (the tank was at a height). I recall the discussion (or rather argument) being about our impending trip to India. One of us was leaving a day before the other and we were on the tank counting down days till the glorious Indian Summer embraced us. That's all. We must have sat and talked till one of our parent's called out for us to get back home for dinner.
How I would long to be that scrawny, dark kid, sitting atop a tanki and living life. Why have I forgotten to live life?
— Don Draper, Mad Men, 1.13 (The Wheel)
Its amazing how memories can be relived with fond remembrance. This particular journey down memory lane was orchestrated by one of my best friends, and maintainer of my sanity, if ever there was any.
I vividly remember one particular evening, after finishing the day's homework and having a glass of milk, I ventured outside to hang with S. It was a hot May evening, and we were not in a mood to play (and run and sweat). We retired to one of 'our' spots - above a plastic water tank. Now, try to imagine this - two girls, about 13 years old, wearing shorts, sitting on a water tank, with their feet dangling down without a care about the world moving on below them (the tank was at a height). I recall the discussion (or rather argument) being about our impending trip to India. One of us was leaving a day before the other and we were on the tank counting down days till the glorious Indian Summer embraced us. That's all. We must have sat and talked till one of our parent's called out for us to get back home for dinner.
How I would long to be that scrawny, dark kid, sitting atop a tanki and living life. Why have I forgotten to live life?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Truth Be Told
Ha! I just realized my first post was about the color red and Harvard! Well, that didn't happen but funnily, I went to another 'red' school. Prophecies have a strange way of coming true. Makes me want to put down all my dreams and ambitions on paper.
I have been watching too much Harry Potter. But then again, is there anything as too much Harry Potter?
I have been watching too much Harry Potter. But then again, is there anything as too much Harry Potter?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Opening Sequence
I don't know if a lot of people do this, but I love watching certain opening sequences of movies. When I do not have enough time to watch the entire movie, or sometimes when I just want to get a slight taste of the movie, I watch its opening sequence. With YouTube, it's become very easy. In no particular order, some amazing opening scenes:
- M:I2 - The rock climbing scene. In one word. Breathtaking. Everything from the vast emptiness of the location to the minuscle Tom Cruise to the wonderful background music (Iko Iko) is what makes this a memorable opening scene.
- Vanilla Sky - Times Square. Empty. Thats it. The juxtaposition of the ever so crowded Times Square with the emptiness (both literally and figuratively) of Cruise's character works to lay the path for the rest of the movie and the character's struggle. Here too, the music (From Rushmore with Love) elevates the scene from ordinary to something beautiful.
- Casino Royale - The parkour-like chase. Visually brilliant. Races your adrenaline along with the characters'. Special mention goes to the shower scene (Vesper and Bond) - it conveys so much without a single word spoken. Gives us a new Bond - one with feelings.
- Laurel Canyon - Not an opening scene but the dialogue Christian Bale's and Natascha McElhone's character have in the car is probably the most emotionally and sexually charged scene shot. Ever. Also, brilliant performances.
- Kill Bill - Don't waste your time reading this. If you have seen the movie, you remember the start of it (and probably the entire movie too). If you haven't, please go watch it. You'll get why I don't mention the start or even just one scene because its so damn difficult to pick up just one.
- Empire of the Sun - Close-to-last scene, when Jim tells the Doctor that he cannot remember the faces of his parents anymore.
- American History X - The curb stomp. Come on guys. Brutal.
- 25th Hour - Tribute in Light + amazing background score = sombre introduction to the tonalities of the movie.
Right now these are all that I can remember. I'll probably keep adding to the list.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My All Time Favorite Movies
Because this is my blog, and I will post whatever I like, whenever I like. In no particular order, here goes:
- Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
- Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
- Mission: Impossible
- Empire of the Sun
- Shop Around The Corner
- Dial M for Murder
- Eyes Wide Shut
- The Hangover
- The Painted Veil
- Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Horton Hears A Who
- Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander
- Andaz Apna Apna
- Padosan
- Nacho Libre
- 25th Hour
- Fight Club
- Before Sunrise + Before Sunset
Friday, February 12, 2010
About time, you know
This post was bound to come sooner or later. Everybody has been talking, blogging, twittering, tumblring about it. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am talking about SNOWMAGEDDON. Or Snopocalypse. Or whatever inane Brangelina sort of word-play the media can collectively come up with. First, the obligatory photos:
(Cannot upload photos which are on my home computer at work - should have known better.)* There will be an update. Till then enjoy this.
Information overload at its best (I realize that I am, by virtue of writing this post, contributing to the aforementioned overload, but, by writing this (by the second this, I mean the bracketed statement) I am nullifying my contribution)*. Whatever.
What I want to say is this: God Almighty, I remember asking for a miracle of nature to occur a few times in the past (papers due, exams for which I had not studied, etc.)*. What I did not expect is you shower me with all my requests at once. There is something called timing, God. And you being the Almighty (and other such titles that we mortals have lovingly (and sometimes fearfully) bestowed upon you)* should know a little about timing. You invented the concept, if I recall correctly. I did not ask for 6 snow days. In theory it does sound wonderful; but when you live in a city that acts like a 6 year old girl whenever there is a dark shadow in the sky, you get to be part of an age-old TV show called House Arrest (there is a reason you do not remember this show)*. House Arrest (show and my situation)* was, is and will never be as cool as its name.
Rant over.
P.S.: I know I abuse parentheses. I think they need love.
(Cannot upload photos which are on my home computer at work - should have known better.)* There will be an update. Till then enjoy this.
Information overload at its best (I realize that I am, by virtue of writing this post, contributing to the aforementioned overload, but, by writing this (by the second this, I mean the bracketed statement) I am nullifying my contribution)*. Whatever.
What I want to say is this: God Almighty, I remember asking for a miracle of nature to occur a few times in the past (papers due, exams for which I had not studied, etc.)*. What I did not expect is you shower me with all my requests at once. There is something called timing, God. And you being the Almighty (and other such titles that we mortals have lovingly (and sometimes fearfully) bestowed upon you)* should know a little about timing. You invented the concept, if I recall correctly. I did not ask for 6 snow days. In theory it does sound wonderful; but when you live in a city that acts like a 6 year old girl whenever there is a dark shadow in the sky, you get to be part of an age-old TV show called House Arrest (there is a reason you do not remember this show)*. House Arrest (show and my situation)* was, is and will never be as cool as its name.
Rant over.
P.S.: I know I abuse parentheses. I think they need love.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Little About Me
Your Cell Phone? iPhone. Pretty damn good.
Your Hair? Never combed
Your Mother? Is very far away
Your Father? Is hilarious
Your Favorite Food? Rajma chawal
Your Dream Last Night? Don't dream while I sleep
Your Favorite Drink? Orange juice
Your Dream/Goal? To lead a satisfied life
What Room Are You In? Office
Your Hobby? Watching tennis
Your Fear? Not knowing about the future
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? Either doing my MBA or married and living happily in India
Where Were You Last Night? At home
Something That You Aren’t? Funny
Muffins? Should not exist. Just like Canada.
Wish List Item? Shoes
Where Did You Grow Up? Kuwait
Last Thing You Did? Ate a slice of pizza
What Are You Wearing? Boring office attire
Your TV? Don't own one
Your Pets? Don't like pets
Friends? Are very important
Your Life? Ms pretty amazing
Your Mood? Stable
Missing Someone? Family
Vehicle? None
Something You Aren’t Wearing? Gloves
Your Favorite Store? Stationary store
Your Favorite Color? Red always. Also yellow and green
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? While watching some Youtube video a few hours ago
Last Time You Cried? While watching Empire of the Sun a few days ago
Your Best Friend? Is far away
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Whole Foods
Facebook? Is deactivated
Favorite Place To Eat? Mughal Mahal
Your Hair? Never combed
Your Mother? Is very far away
Your Father? Is hilarious
Your Favorite Food? Rajma chawal
Your Dream Last Night? Don't dream while I sleep
Your Favorite Drink? Orange juice
Your Dream/Goal? To lead a satisfied life
What Room Are You In? Office
Your Hobby? Watching tennis
Your Fear? Not knowing about the future
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? Either doing my MBA or married and living happily in India
Where Were You Last Night? At home
Something That You Aren’t? Funny
Muffins? Should not exist. Just like Canada.
Wish List Item? Shoes
Where Did You Grow Up? Kuwait
Last Thing You Did? Ate a slice of pizza
What Are You Wearing? Boring office attire
Your TV? Don't own one
Your Pets? Don't like pets
Friends? Are very important
Your Life? Ms pretty amazing
Your Mood? Stable
Missing Someone? Family
Vehicle? None
Something You Aren’t Wearing? Gloves
Your Favorite Store? Stationary store
Your Favorite Color? Red always. Also yellow and green
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? While watching some Youtube video a few hours ago
Last Time You Cried? While watching Empire of the Sun a few days ago
Your Best Friend? Is far away
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Whole Foods
Facebook? Is deactivated
Favorite Place To Eat? Mughal Mahal
The Hangover - Movie Review
Believe it or not, I just got around to seeing this movie. And boy, am I glad I saw it. Those of you who know my taste in movies know that I would probably place Ace Ventura ahead of The Schindler's List (or similar) in my favorite movies. My rating system is pretty simple when you come to think of it - the higher the number of repeat viewings, the higher the movie goes on my list. And by repeat viewings, I mean wanting (and actually getting around) to watch it every week. I can safely say that Ace Ventura has been watched by me once every month. Others in this category are Andaz Apna Apna (tell me you did not know this!), Up, Horton Hears a Who, Madagascar (I will say that I get around to watching only clips of King Julien though) and any movie of Tom Cruise (yes, I don't care what religion he follows - I like him for the movies he makes). A lot more are coming to mind but lets leave the list as is for now.
Now, The Hangover. It's already started climbing up in my ratings chart with the speed of a deer being hunted by a tiger. I am not going to go into the specifics of the story. It's the essence of the movie that got to me. It's situational comedy at its best. As one of the actors' said in an interview - the comedy does not come from the actors/characters being funny or saying funny lines. These guys are sad little men who think they are funny but aren't. Its the interplay of the characters with the situation (which I admit, are crazy and hence hilarious) that makes The Hangover a classic comedy which will survive the test of time. With written humor, there is always the fear of not being relevant after a couple of years.
Thats all there is to it.
Now, The Hangover. It's already started climbing up in my ratings chart with the speed of a deer being hunted by a tiger. I am not going to go into the specifics of the story. It's the essence of the movie that got to me. It's situational comedy at its best. As one of the actors' said in an interview - the comedy does not come from the actors/characters being funny or saying funny lines. These guys are sad little men who think they are funny but aren't. Its the interplay of the characters with the situation (which I admit, are crazy and hence hilarious) that makes The Hangover a classic comedy which will survive the test of time. With written humor, there is always the fear of not being relevant after a couple of years.
Thats all there is to it.
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