My favorite word - serendipity
Love the sound of it. Can speak it over and over again. Trouble is, don't come across a lot of situations where I can use it convincingly. Actually, have been able to use it just once. Felt real good. Engaged dad in a doctored conversation (Took a total of 12 minutes), and when the moment came, used my best voice (yes, I have different sets of voices I use for different situations) and said it with slow deliberance. Oh, that felt good. Totally worth it.
Must suggest everyone to have favorite word. Makes sense.
A pity I cant pronounce serendipity..leave alone the VOICE
eeeeeeeeep. I know someone whose favourite word is serenpity too.
Trite shite!
Mine is rhapsody. Use that with your voice and let me know about the outcome :)
Rhapsody looks great in writing...but somehow my delicate vocal cords cant emphasize the h in "rhap"... :)
I prefer "rap"ture...
I definitely agree and if I had 'one' favorite word it would be 'serendipity' and love the movie by that name too :-) associated with basically helpful ideas as truly the only unlock chunk hermes brikin coming from conventional paper bag. interesting web pages glimpse little. sprayed in monogram art print on just about every single sequin, this advice handbag is furnished with about 13 thousands items of gorgeous sequins. the better ones are going to have stretchy all around the edges, not alone within two facets.
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