Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Of Nonsensical Adventures

For those of you who bother about my geographical whereabouts, I am now firmly planted in perhaps the most politically powerful and charged city - D.C. What's with me and capital cities - I seem to find them as a bee to honey. This city actually does exude power - those bespoke suits and Ray-Bans and leather briefcases holding papers that change the world's destiny, it isn't as exciting and fast-paced as NYC, but it has its own politicized charm which I am beginning to savor.

The only thing that irks me here is the utter lack of creativity in naming streets - this is the case in most US cities I guess, and being an outsider it seems to me that their forefathers couldn't be bothered to give creative (or atleast unique) names to streets. I am surprised they managed to come up with unique state names! 

I get that D.C. can have state names as street names, but why other cities? It really is a shame when you have to say that you live on Wisconsin Avenue in L.A.!

Before this post quickly turns into a full-fledged rant, I would like to mention that D.C. is super-cool. The clear lack of indians here (I come from Palo Alto - the indian techie haven) is surprisingly refreshing, the university population - young and vibrant, and in general, that eager, "I am here to make a difference in the future of this country by changing its policies" look on a lot of people (unlike the "I am here to make a lot of money" and later, "I make a lot of money" look on people from New York) is refreshing and strangely motivating. 

They say that by just being within sneezing distance to a politician, you could become one - all I have to say is - bless you. And I am buying a barge pole, just in case!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trying to clean out my browser, i was going though my old book marks and bumped into your page. Its been like ages since i read any of your postings.
Anyways, i just loved your recent posting. Now thats what you call short and sweet :-) The best part was the way you described about peoples mentality in DC (or look on face as you put it) as compared to people elsewhere and NYC. I could not agree more. DC is definitely an awesome place!
Keep up the good work....
And Welcome to my Neck of the Woods!!!