Thursday, January 25, 2007


Those of you who know me would have predicted very correctly that my first post had to be on the color red. Whats my obsession with this alluring color?

Well, first of all, you cannot call it an obsession so much as a strong liking. Everyone has a favorite color - no denying it. It is just one of the many trivial things that seem to describe a person rather completely - don't agree with me? Check your inbox and you will invariably find at least one email telling you your personality with a fair amount of accuracy on the basis of your favorite color/day/number etc. But this is not the point of this post.

I wanted to write about something as simple as red. It means nothing. It means something. It means so much. Go to a restaurant and red will tell you that you are hungry (its an appetizing color). Red will tell you to stop at a traffic signal. Red will tell you are married. Red will tell you went to Harvard. Red will tell bloodshed. Anger. Frustration. Passion. A color can tell so much.

But this is red as you would know it. Red, for me is childhood. (I remember saying it with an emphasis on the D - REDDD - I want a red dress, toy, barbie, schoolbag). Red for me is serenity (I wouldn't have painted a wall in my house red if I didn't think so!). Red for me is my future - bright. strong. undefeatable. Also, hello Harvard. ;)

UPDATE (Nov 2009): Red = Stanford too!


Nitish said...
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aShyCarnalKid said...

Interesting ! And you just inspired me change the name of my blog to my favourite colour , Orange . Thank you madam !

aShyCarnalKid said...

But alas, I cannot change the name of my blog now !

Anonymous said...

Well said.