Saturday, September 1, 2007


My first day living entirely on my own. Hurray!!

Technically, the day ain't over yet but I feel compelled to declare it as a success. My mum left yesterday. I am amazed at the detailed arrangements she had made before leaving for making my life easier and convenient post departure. You know, these are the kind of things that makes a mom a mom. The funny thing is I will notice most of these things only after she has left. Lots will unravel in the coming days.

I kinda feel strangely independent. I've lived away from my parents since after school. But there was always an element of security. Or something like that. This is my first living totally on my own. I don't know why I insisted on mom not sending her mom over to take care of me (like I needed "taking care"??) I just want to get by 2 weeks on my own. Its a mind thing. After that I really don't mind my grand mom coming over or anybody for that matter.

Two weeks baby, two weeks of unadulterated fun...hmmm....uhmmmm...yea....i think so.... (doubtful crease over my forehead)


Unknown said...

Good one !! Could relate well to my self as I too started staying alone 2 months back.. Its been a good experience so far, but I m sure it has its pros and cons.. I can only say that its fun staying alone and enjoy it while it lasts :-)

Ankit Desai said...

second follow-up comment on the same day, same blog... i deserve a pat... anyways as far as u staying alone is concerned... don't think of it that way... I mean even when you feel that you are home alone... you know that there is someone/something lurking in the darkness...

hehe just kidding... have fun, but find friends... :-))